First of all, I would like to thank anyone who has read this blog so far.
Now, to the good stuff. I am happy to announce that I have finally come up with an actual schedule and have set myself digital reminders so I won't forget. (I am actually quite reliable once I have iPhone alarms set.)
Here is the schedule:
Monday: I will attempt to post reviews of current games, as in games for current consoles. I generally wont be able to make reviews on brand new games due to lack of funds. But I will do my best to review games as I acquire them. At times I will also give my opinion on current trends and news in the gaming industry.
Wednesday: Will be interesting facts about games and the game industry. I will attempt to set up a way you can send in any interesting facts and I will be sure to credit you as well. These facts will not be limited to Easter eggs and such, they can also be glitches and interesting quirks a game has.
Friday: Will probably be my favorite. Fridays are going to be Throwback Friday, meaning reviews and facts on classic and older games. I'll try to show some of the more under rated ones if possible. I am hoping to e able to provide short clips and such of game-play in the near future along with these.
I am going to try and post these around 10:00 PM Central time. Post could be subject to delays due to homework and such, just a warning.
Ok, on to the actual post.
Throwback Friday: Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Spryo: Year of the Dragon was released in the North America on October 25th 2000 for the Sony Playstation, also called the PSOne, PSX, and of course the Playstation One.
Spyro: Year of the Dragon is a 3D platformer adventure game. The plot of the game is that a mysterious stranger has stolen all the dragon eggs and it is up to Spyro and his friends to get them back. Most levels consist of collect gems and completing tasks for characters to earn the eggs back, eggs are also hidden throughout levels and the overworlds as well. Spyro uses his various abilities to complete each task and overcome obstacles.
Personally, this is one of my favorite games. Period. The game is lighthearted and just generally fun to play. The egg collecting gives the game good replay-ability, as does gem collecting. Overall the game has aged well and should be fun for all ages.
Luckily, for those who would like to either, replay this game, or try it out, Sony has put the game up for download to PS3 and PSP, and in extension PSVita I would hope, for $6.99 USD. I highly recommend this game to anyone looking to spend a quiet weekend on the couch with a classic.
Thanks for reading, see you again Monday!