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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse P2

How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

Chapter 2.

Continuing our look at the possible Zombie apocalypse we will now delve into the spread of the Z-Virus and it's effects on Modern Society.

Before we continue the writer would like to reiterate that he does not believe the Zombie apocalypse is coming and that this is merely intended for speculation and entertainment purposes.

Now, let us continue.

2: The spread.

In the first chapter we looked at the probable cause of infection, having this in mind we will focus on a worst case scenario. The most likely cause for an infection would most likely be an experiment gone wrong. Having this in mind lets set the stage.

In a scientific institution in a large metropolitan area scientist have discovered a mysterious new organism. To test it's effects on larger organisms they inject the specimen into a lab rat, a common practice in medical testing due to rats biology being fairly similar to human's, and observe the effects. After roughly 24 hours the rat dies, believing the organism to have done it's damage they begin to dispose of the rat. however, on the way to the disposal unit they notice movement in the container. Upon opening it they find that the rat appears to be alive again, with some strange behavior. Believing they have possibly stumbled across the secret to eternal life they decide to run experiments on human volunteers. (By this point our societies knowledge and fear of Zombies should have ended it right here, however, for speculation we will assume that they don't give it another thought and continue.)

Testing begins shortly and as with the rat within 24 hours all subjects appear to be dead, however within a short time they are reanimated. To test their intelligence more volunteers are sent in to attempt interaction with the specimens. Predictably, it doesn't go well. The volunteers are bitten and a lock down is called. After being in lock down for about 36 hours movement has ceased and they go to check. The open the air locks to check and guards sent to check are overcome by a horde comprised of the original test subjects and the volunteers (minus a one or two of course.). they are quickly eaten or infected. however before the scientist can reinitialize the lock down one of the volunteers manages to unlock the decontamination room door. (Theoretically Zombie that are still within the first couple of days of infection would still have the dexterity and ingrained habit to open doors and mechanisms that they are used to.) falling upon the scientist they quickly dispose of them.

The outbreak progresses until all persons in the science center are either eaten or infected. once that happens they will somehow escape into the city and continue their rampage.

In a densely populated area the Z-Virus would spread very quickly. after three days the writer estimates that roughly %68 of the inhabitants will have been infected, another %28 percent would likely be eaten. After food sources become scarce, either through over hunting or victims fleeing, the Zombies would then attempt to relocate. Zombies relocate much like animals, either by catching a ride on human vehicles or merely by walking.

They would likely travel along highways where there is a large concentration of noise and movement as well as victims. Upon arriving at the next destination the cycle would start again.

We can probably expect infection to be present in almost every major city in the country (Due to the writers limited ,none, experience with other countries and cultures we will assume the breakout has occurred in the U.S.A.) within a month.

3: Effects on society

The effects on society would be fairly unnoticeable for the first week to two weeks. This will be mainly from society simply not believing or refusing to believe that Zombies are real and little action will be taken.

Within three weeks most of society will accept that Zombies have come, either because of infection in their city or town or reliable sources. Some action will be taken but most will probably adopt a "It only happens to other people." attitude.

Within five weeks the Z-Virus will have spread to almost every major cities and many towns. The infections can range from whole cities infections or minor numbers. Most northern Cities will have been over run and the majority of survivors will be in a panic. Supplies will suddenly become a sought after and fights will ensue.

After two months almost the entire northern states will have been over run, The only pockets of survivors being those protected and housed at military establishments and homegrown militia bases and encampments. Some order will have been returned but it will be mainly tyrannical with multiple small "Empires" existing wherever anyone with weapons and supplies has enough power to take over the region. The outbreak will continue to spread, though at a slower rate.

Within six months most local "Empires" will have crumbled, either under the onslaught of undead or it's own people. Military resources will have been depleted and supplies running low for most areas. Deaths will begin to rise, either by starvation, infighting, or Infection.

Within one year society in general will have broken down into roving bands of survivors, These clans being eventually hunted down by the undead, one by one they will be hunted down and infected or eaten. Those not killed by the infected will die of starvation, injury, disease, or infighting. The human race as we know it is quickly becoming extinct.

Within two years the human race will have dwindled to just those in desert regions where the infected dry out and crumble minimizing their threat and to those in polar regions where Zombies freeze in place, unable to provide body heat.

In this scenario society as a whole has broken down and has been eliminated. the only echoes of it are tribes living in conditions that threaten them almost more than the Z-Virus.

Only after many years have passed will the last Zombie "Die" by decomposition and allow the human race to repopulate most of the planet. Even at this point the society that emerges will be just a mere shadow of the former. Constantly being in fear of the infection that could reemerge.

Please note that this is a worst case scenario. There are multiple actions that can be taken to avoid this end, we will examine these in the next chapter.

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