Rage is set in post apocalyptic America approximately 160 years in the future. The planet has been devastated by a meteor that has turned at least the U.S. into a wasteland. Your character is an Ark survivor, the Arks were essentially big bunkers where about six people per unit where frozen and all that kinda stuff.
Your character must fight for survival in the wasteland and do jobs to prove his worth and fight the authority.
I found this game to be very very fun entertaining. My only complaint is that while the game is stored on 3 disks it is surprisingly short. The main game can be beaten in under 10 hours easily and is only stored on 2 of the 3 disks. I realize that the most probable reason for the extra disks is that the game has absolutely stunning graphics which understandably take some space, however I expected a much longer campaign and more of a sandbox type experience because Bethesda(Elder Scrolls) was involved in production.
However despite the shortness of the main campaign I still greatly enjoyed the game and can see myself returning to it to beat it on as many difficulties as possible.
On a scale of 1-10 I give it:
Ease of play: 7 (The game does and acceptable job of teaching the player how to play, however I have noticed that FPS games are surprisingly difficult for some people to play. I also did not like that I couldn't bring up a help tab or something for weapons with extra controls, such as sniper zooming, later in the game.)
Graphics: 10 (This is one of the best looking games I have played.)
Replay: 6 (I don't see that much replay in the game other than people wanting to beat it on all difficulties.)
Family Friendliness: 3 (The game is one of the gorier FPS game out, being able to decapitate enemies with the shotgun and wingsticks or blow them to pieces with various weapons makes this game a no no to violence wary families. The game has fairly severe language though not by the main casts, Most cursing will be heard from enemies during firefights or in conversation. No nudity that I noticed so if that is all you are concerned with then you are clear.)
All in all I give it a 8.
I would have given it a 10 but it was just to short to for me, I feel like the end was just cut off.
Over all I would urge anyone who enjoys FPS games to pick this up if they haven't and have fun and I look forward to hopefully seeing a sequel.
...Dynamite crossbow bolts are fun by the way.
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