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Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Update Schedule/ Minecraft Review... Again!

Well, now I feel bad for not updating when I said I would. Sorry about that.

Ok, so I have decided that I am going to try and update on saturday nights, hopefully around 8-9. We'll see how that works out. Finals are over so I should be able to update regularly until College start again.

Now on to the review!

This time I am reviewing Minecraft. Now I know I have done that before but this one is different. I will be reviewing the Minecraft Mod pack by the guys at Feed-The-Beast. I might make a new review of the vanilla (Un-Modded) version of Minecraft later, since there have been so many changes to Minecraft since my review of it.

Now, onto the review part of this review.

Modding Minecraft can be fun, and while Minecraft does have a ever increasing amount of items and materials to work with, it can still be maddeningly basic. That is where mods come in. The only problem is that modding Minecraft is extremely difficult at times. Feed The Beast makes it easy. To use Fee The Beast, Go to the website linked above, download the client, and then install it. Once inside the launcher, you will see a place to enter your Minecraft ID, the account you bought Minecraft on from Minecraft's homepage. Once you do this, you can pick a pre-assembled mod pack to install when you launch it for the first time. The launcher will then proceed to install, and mod Minecraft for you.

So far I have only tried the normal Feed the Beast mod pack. The feed the beast mod pack comes with so many mods that I can't even tell you what they are. So far I only have experience with the Buildcraft mod, and only a small portion at that. The most significant thing that Buildcraft adds is the oil wells. It also adds pumps to pump water, lava, oil, refined fuel, and items. It can automate a large amount of the process, and everything runs of electricity, which requires engines to make, which require fuel to power them. You can build automated mines that will go to bedrock and deposit any materials in chests as it does so. All in all it adds a new challenge to the game. The only real problem with it is that it is really complicated. I suggest that if you try it out, that you create a Creative mode world to practice on, just don't make it a flat one, oil doesn't seem to spawn on it, or at least I haven't found any.\

This mode pack is really fun and I highly suggest checking it out.

Till next time.

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