First, I would like to apologize for not posting, I still haven't played enough games to review them. Except for today's subject.
I will be reviewing the Hexxit Modpack for Minecraft today instead of a standalone game, although the pack almost makes Minecraft an entirely different game.
The Hexxit Modpack adds a ton of new features, including, but not limited to, new mobs, items, events, foliage, and structures. The pack adds so much stuff and runs so well, that I can, at least for the moment, not think of playing Minecraft without it.
One of the most fun things I have found about it, is that it adds falling stars and Meteors. The stars are the more fun ones in my opinion, mainly because they don't obliterate their surroundings when they land. When you pick up a fallen star, you get a star piece and an experience boost, if you wait too long, it turns into stardust. Meteors are more destructive, but the Meteor chips can be turned into tools and such. There are different Meteor types, but I wont explain them since I think experience is the best teacher.
The pack adds a few new mechanics to the game as well, luckily there are books in-game to teach you the ropes. And if you get really stuck, just use the wiki page to figure it out. No shame in looking it up if you are really stuck. Games are meant to be played, and while it can take the fun out of a game to just look it up instead of figuring it out for yourself, it can be just as bad to not be able to play the game to its fullest because of a frustrating puzzle or item combo you just can't seem to figure out.
Anyway, I highly recommend this pack, and luckily for those of us that can't mod Minecraft to save our lives, especially server-side mods, there is a launcher available that downloads its own copy of Minecraft, using your account, no pirating here, then the mods, then it mods the game for you. Same with the server.
You can get them both here.
Thanks for reading!
Sorry for the mess
This blog is under going a large visual re-design and will change often. Thank you for your patience.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
No review for today
I am sorry for not posting Friday, I was an orientation leader at my college and had to work.
Also, there won't be a post today. I need to sit down and play some more games that I am going to review, as it is, I haven't played any games recently enough to honestly give them good reviews.
Thanks for your patience and thank you for reading.
Also, there won't be a post today. I need to sit down and play some more games that I am going to review, as it is, I haven't played any games recently enough to honestly give them good reviews.
Thanks for your patience and thank you for reading.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Gaming News: Slow Week
It's a slow week in the gaming news department.

The only big thing of note that I was able to come across was the the US government now recognizes Pro gamers as athletes. If they are playing League of Legends at least. Not sure how I feel about that. While I love to see fellow gamers get ahead, it seems a bit of a stretch to call the athletes. But I still have to respect those who have gone pro and earn six figure salaries.
Since this is such as low news week, I am going to give a little troubleshooting tip.
If you are trying to play Star Wars Battlefront II on Windows 7, and Vista, you might be running into an issue where the game crashes after trying to load a map. You can set up the game and everything, but once you hit the loading screen for the map, it crashes. The main fix for this is to go into recording devices and set "Stereo Mix", or "What you here" to the default recording device. This only works on older installations of Windows as newer ones have drivers that removes it because of fears of Copyright infringement. The easiest workaround I have found is to just get a pair of headphones, earbuds, or what not, and plug them into the mic jack and set it as the recording device. The game should run now. The game doesn't care what it is, it just wants something set as the recording device and active for some reason. The game will still be a bit glitchy because of its age so be warned.
That's it for today. Thanks for reading!

The only big thing of note that I was able to come across was the the US government now recognizes Pro gamers as athletes. If they are playing League of Legends at least. Not sure how I feel about that. While I love to see fellow gamers get ahead, it seems a bit of a stretch to call the athletes. But I still have to respect those who have gone pro and earn six figure salaries.
Since this is such as low news week, I am going to give a little troubleshooting tip.

That's it for today. Thanks for reading!
League of legends,
Monday, July 15, 2013
Game Review: Fallout 3
The game is based in a fictional universe where most of the future predictions from 1940-1960 came true. At least until the nuclear war between China and the USA happened. the game is set 200 years after the nuclear war as your character emerges from the underground vault.
The best way I can describe the atmosphere of the game is, imagine the late 40s, early 50s style, and music. Now imagine that it just never went away. Any cars you find, wont be able to use them, are going to look like they came out of a 50s Sci-Fi film. The music is big band and such, the robots look like you would expect as well.. The art style is undeniably my favorite part of the game. It's like being transported back in time, and forward at the same time.
I wont say anything about the story beyond what I have already said. That is for you to find out.
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There are several DLC packs that have been released, but I haven't tried any of them out yet so I can't giver an opinion on them yet.
Overall, I think this game is definitely worth the money and time. Now, I am going to continue to explore the wasteland.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Throwback Friday: Ratchet: Deadlocked
This Friday's game is Ratchet: Deadlocked.
Ratchet deadlocked was released on October 25, 2008.
The game is was developed by Insomniac Games, and was published by Sony Computer Entertainment.
The game is the fourth in the Ratchet & Clank series and was the first (and only, to my knowledge) game in the series where Clank is not a playable character, which is evident once you look at the title.
In the game, players must fight their way through the Dreadzone tournament to win their freedom and stop the evil Gleeman Vox. Ratchet will have to fight ex-hero Ace Starlight, and the exterminators along the way to victory.
The game plays like the previous games in the series minus Clanks heli-pack ability. Players will have to fight their way through hordes of enemies and survive various challenges throughout the game. Instead of Clank, Ratchet is aided by two combat bots that will assist him in combat , hack computers, and turn bolt cranks. Another unique to the game is that there is a a multiplayer co-op option for the campaign where a player takes control of a robotic partner and the job of hacking and other things is turned over to the players.
The game is a fun game and should not be overlooked. The game is available on the PSN store for $9.99 and is a good time waster. I will say that the PSN download has some animation glitches, but so far nothing affecting gameplay.
Thanks for reading!
Ratchet deadlocked was released on October 25, 2008.
The game is was developed by Insomniac Games, and was published by Sony Computer Entertainment.
The game is the fourth in the Ratchet & Clank series and was the first (and only, to my knowledge) game in the series where Clank is not a playable character, which is evident once you look at the title.
In the game, players must fight their way through the Dreadzone tournament to win their freedom and stop the evil Gleeman Vox. Ratchet will have to fight ex-hero Ace Starlight, and the exterminators along the way to victory.
The game plays like the previous games in the series minus Clanks heli-pack ability. Players will have to fight their way through hordes of enemies and survive various challenges throughout the game. Instead of Clank, Ratchet is aided by two combat bots that will assist him in combat , hack computers, and turn bolt cranks. Another unique to the game is that there is a a multiplayer co-op option for the campaign where a player takes control of a robotic partner and the job of hacking and other things is turned over to the players.
The game is a fun game and should not be overlooked. The game is available on the PSN store for $9.99 and is a good time waster. I will say that the PSN download has some animation glitches, but so far nothing affecting gameplay.
Thanks for reading!
PS Vita,
Rathcet Deadlocked,
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Gaming News: GTA V Gameplay trailer
This week, Rockstar Games released a video showcasing GTA V's actual gameplay. Take a look below (Warning: I felt the need to link to the official video. Please note that there is strong language in said video. If there are small children around, do not watch, or wear headphones. Thank you.):
The game looks promising, and I can definitely say that I will probably pre-order it. If it was coming to PC.
While I own both a Xbox and a PS3, I prefer to play games on the PC I built. It's just something I do. So far Rockstar has not given a release date for a PC version, or even confirmed if it is coming to PC at all. But a job listing from Rockstar for a PC graphics programmer has raised hopes for the release of a PC version. A late PC release is nothing unusual for the GTA series with most games in the series having their PC version come a few months later than the consoles.
Overall, the game looks promising and is probably going to be a lot of fun. I can only hope they keep the multiplayer game modes from GTA IV. This might be the first game in the series I actually play. As long as they don't mess it up. Like Duke Nukem Forever mess it up.
One final thing before I end the post, keep an eye out for the Steam Summer Sale. It has been hinted that it will start tomorrow, but no one outside of Valve really has an idea as to when the sale will actually start.
Thanks for reading!
The game looks promising, and I can definitely say that I will probably pre-order it. If it was coming to PC.
While I own both a Xbox and a PS3, I prefer to play games on the PC I built. It's just something I do. So far Rockstar has not given a release date for a PC version, or even confirmed if it is coming to PC at all. But a job listing from Rockstar for a PC graphics programmer has raised hopes for the release of a PC version. A late PC release is nothing unusual for the GTA series with most games in the series having their PC version come a few months later than the consoles.
Overall, the game looks promising and is probably going to be a lot of fun. I can only hope they keep the multiplayer game modes from GTA IV. This might be the first game in the series I actually play. As long as they don't mess it up. Like Duke Nukem Forever mess it up.
One final thing before I end the post, keep an eye out for the Steam Summer Sale. It has been hinted that it will start tomorrow, but no one outside of Valve really has an idea as to when the sale will actually start.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Sorry for not posting yesterday!
I apologize for not posting yesterday. I was too busy playing Fallout 3. On a related note, next Monday's post will be about Fallout 3. Things will continue as normal tomorrow. thanks for reading!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Throwback Friday: Twisted Metal

Twisted Metal was released on November 5th 1995.
The game was originally developed by SingleTrac, and was later handled by different developers.
the game was published by Sony Computer Entertainment.
In the game, a man called Calypso hosts a tournament, the Twisted Metal tournament. In each tournament, the contestants battle it out in a vehicular free for all. The prize? One wish, no matter how absurd, impossible, or just stupid, Calypso has the power to make it come true, often times with unexpected side effects. The tournament takes place in cities around the world, with total disregard for civilians or national landmarks.
The game is based solely on vehicular combat. Players do combat with each other with each other in their own unique vehicles, most often themed for them. The weapons used in the game are machine guns, missiles, and other assorted weapons. The game is dark and when it does use humor, it is very dark, easily falling into the black humor category.
Multiplayer is quite fun and addicting. I will say that this game should not be played by younger gamers because it does have such a dark premise. But beyond that, it is a very enjoyable game. the game is available for download from the PSN store for $5.99 and is worth the money. Have fun blowing each other to kingdom come!
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Gaming News: Don Mattrick leaving Microsoft for Zynga

Now I don't know all of what was behind Mattrick's decision to leave Micros0ft, in fact I know next to nothing and am not interested enough to try and find out, but his timing couldn't have been worse. As it is now, it looks like he is getting out before he can be fired over the backlash the Xbox One garnered, possibly as a straw man for Microsoft.
Now, is it a good thing for him that he has become Zynga's new CEO?
Zynga has seen falling stock and people leaving their games in large numbers, forcing them to lay off workers and to close down the less popular Facebook games. Well, so far, the stocks appear to show some confidence in Mattrick's ability to bring the company back into the spotlight, since the announcement, Zynga's stock has risen a bit and looks to be the beginning for a steady climb, unless it doesn't.
We will just have to wait and see how things at Zynga are handled.
I know one thing though, I won't be clamering for the newest Farmville spin-off to be announced, and the game requests I get are going to be forgotten in my notification bar.
Thanks for reading!
don mattrick,
xbox one. news,
Monday, July 1, 2013
Game review: Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
I don't know if I ever fully explained the goal behind the Monday blog posts, so I am going to do that now. On Mondays I am going to review games for the current generation of consoles, but I am going to review older ones that people should be able to pick up for cheaper than normal. This is so people like myself can know what games are good, but won't break the bank. Any way, on to the review.
Today's review: Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Turning Point is a first person shooter based in the fictitious universe where the Germans win World War II and have invaded America. You take the role of a construction worker turned freedom fighter as you fight to save America from the Nazi invasion.
The game is played in general FPS style, two weapons, can pick weapons off of enemy's corpses, grenades, the usual. The game is not remarkable on the innovation front. But what the game lacks in innovation, it partially makes up for with action and solid gameplay. The game has a single player campaign and online multiplayer, I can not say either way on the multiplayer because I haven't played the multiplayer. The single player campaign is good, not great, but good. The campaign mainly suffers because of how short it is. I honestly think it could have been a much better game if they had spent more time on it, made it longer, add more weapons, and just generally polish it up a bit.
All in all, the game is ok. It isn't the best, but it isn't horrible either. The game is any where fr $5 to $8 on, for that amount it would be a good weekend time killer or what not. As I said, the game is ok so if you are having a hard time deciding what to play, just pop this in and give it a go. it won't blow your socks off, but it can at least help kill some time while you figure out what other game you want to play after you are done.
Thanks for reading!

Turning Point is a first person shooter based in the fictitious universe where the Germans win World War II and have invaded America. You take the role of a construction worker turned freedom fighter as you fight to save America from the Nazi invasion.
The game is played in general FPS style, two weapons, can pick weapons off of enemy's corpses, grenades, the usual. The game is not remarkable on the innovation front. But what the game lacks in innovation, it partially makes up for with action and solid gameplay. The game has a single player campaign and online multiplayer, I can not say either way on the multiplayer because I haven't played the multiplayer. The single player campaign is good, not great, but good. The campaign mainly suffers because of how short it is. I honestly think it could have been a much better game if they had spent more time on it, made it longer, add more weapons, and just generally polish it up a bit.
All in all, the game is ok. It isn't the best, but it isn't horrible either. The game is any where fr $5 to $8 on, for that amount it would be a good weekend time killer or what not. As I said, the game is ok so if you are having a hard time deciding what to play, just pop this in and give it a go. it won't blow your socks off, but it can at least help kill some time while you figure out what other game you want to play after you are done.
Thanks for reading!
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