It's a slow week in the gaming news department.

The only big thing of note that I was able to come across was the the US government now recognizes Pro gamers as athletes. If they are playing League of Legends at least. Not sure how I feel about that. While I love to see fellow gamers get ahead, it seems a bit of a stretch to call the athletes. But I still have to respect those who have gone pro and earn six figure salaries.
Since this is such as low news week, I am going to give a little troubleshooting tip.

If you are trying to play Star Wars Battlefront II on Windows 7, and Vista, you might be running into an issue where the game crashes after trying to load a map. You can set up the game and everything, but once you hit the loading screen for the map, it crashes. The main fix for this is to go into recording devices and set "Stereo Mix", or "What you here" to the default recording device. This only works on older installations of Windows as newer ones have drivers that removes it because of fears of Copyright infringement. The easiest workaround I have found is to just get a pair of headphones, earbuds, or what not, and plug them into the mic jack and set it as the recording device. The game should run now. The game doesn't care what it is, it just wants something set as the recording device and active for some reason. The game will still be a bit glitchy because of its age so be warned.
That's it for today. Thanks for reading!
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