This week, Rockstar Games released a video showcasing GTA V's actual gameplay. Take a look below (Warning: I felt the need to link to the official video. Please note that there is strong language in said video. If there are small children around, do not watch, or wear headphones. Thank you.):
The game looks promising, and I can definitely say that I will probably pre-order it. If it was coming to PC.
While I own both a Xbox and a PS3, I prefer to play games on the PC I built. It's just something I do. So far Rockstar has not given a release date for a PC version, or even confirmed if it is coming to PC at all. But a job listing from Rockstar for a PC graphics programmer has raised hopes for the release of a PC version. A late PC release is nothing unusual for the GTA series with most games in the series having their PC version come a few months later than the consoles.
Overall, the game looks promising and is probably going to be a lot of fun. I can only hope they keep the multiplayer game modes from GTA IV. This might be the first game in the series I actually play. As long as they don't mess it up. Like Duke Nukem Forever mess it up.
One final thing before I end the post, keep an eye out for the Steam Summer Sale. It has been hinted that it will start tomorrow, but no one outside of Valve really has an idea as to when the sale will actually start.
Thanks for reading!
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